Industry Insights
In the formative discussions about the inception of Oxbow and the establishment of its corporate culture, we turned to a revered quote from President Theodore Roosevelt to steer and inspire our thinking. "For better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat." This statement is a call for courage and action, and a principle that has served as a guiding star for Oxbow. In a market characterized by complex challenges and high stakes, the difference between a thriving firm and a stagnant one often lies in the willingness to take bold risks. Roosevelt’s words are a powerful reminder that triumph is not without its trials and that the path to success is often paved with the stones of failure.
To 'dare mighty things' is to innovate relentlessly. Oxbow, and our government and corporate partners, must aim to disrupt the status quo, offering fresh perspectives and untried solutions to age-old problems. This might mean leveraging new technologies, advocating for unexplored policy changes, or implementing unconventional strategies that could transform government efficiency and accountability.
The journey to excellence is rarely linear. Failure is an integral part of the innovation process. At Oxbow, we must acknowledge this, and allow room for error…viewing each setback as an opportunity to learn and refine. This mindset encourages a resilient team that is adaptable and not deterred by obstacles.
Indifference and inaction will be the enemies of progress at Oxbow. Roosevelt's 'gray twilight' is a metaphor for the safe middle ground that our firm cannot afford to occupy. To create value and trust with our government clients and teaming partners, Oxbow must proactively demonstrate unwavering loyalty and robust support to its partners and clients, consistently delivering on promises and exceeding expectations to solidify a foundation of trust and collaborative success.
Success should be acknowledged and celebrated, for it reinforces the team’s efforts and solidifies the firm's reputation. However, it's just as crucial to extract wisdom from failures, ensuring continuous growth and improvement.
Oxbow will cultivate a corporate culture that encourages exploration and curiosity. By fostering an environment where ideas are freely exchanged and innovation is the norm, our teams are more inclined to venture beyond the familiar and explore uncharted territories.
By daring to do mighty things, accepting the inevitability of failure along the way, and actively shunning complacency, Oxbow is positioned not just to succeed, but to lead and redefine the industry. It is in the boldness of our vision and the resilience of our pursuit that we will realize success with the clients we support, and in doing so, avoid the 'gray twilight' of mediocrity.